Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sweet Revenge...

I am a scorpio, revenge is in our nature. I have both a brother and a sister. Maybe the old adage is true that "you only hurt the ones you love". And so the story goes...

Young Chris was grounded for 3 months after his parents found out from his sister that he had a 12 pack of beer stashed in his room. Chris was out for revenge and went looking for incrimnating evidence against his sister, Katie. This is what he found in her room.

You are seeing correctly, it's a hook-up list. People she wants to have some sort of sexual contact with and she has even labeled what she wants to do to them. What do you think Chris did with this information?

If you guessed that he posted it on Facebook, you are correct. AND he tagged the conquests that were listed. Below you can see the comments as well as the heated exchange that took place between siblings.
What is the worst that you have ever done to your sister or brother?


  1. Wow. I'm so glad I'm an only child right now!

  2. RLL! So glad to see you here;-) I think you made my day!!
