Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Close call...

Last night I went to help my friend Laura pack after work. She is moving this weekend and has a 4 month old to keep track of. When I got home my roommate looked like he has seen a ghost. I should start this off by saying that everyone is fine and no one appears to be injured. When Ferg got home last night the dogs were outside. Not 5 minutes after he walked in the neighbor knocked to let him know that the dogs had escaped the fence and she had grabbed Buddy. She said she saw the black dog run into the street, heard brakes screech and then she saw him run away. She thought he might have gotten tapped but was good enough to run away. Ferg was freaking out because at least Buddy has tags with our address on them. As Bo Bo is a foster dog in this home for the next few months, he does not. Ferg goes out on the search for Bo but it is already dark and he is a black dog. He gets to the drive way and hears a strange noise on the side of the house. My 110 pound horse/dog is sitting by the fence crying to be let back in. Ferg gave him the once over and he seemed fine. When I got home I also checked him out thoroughly. He seems unfazed. I pushed and prodded at him for a good 30 minutes and he never once even winced. I am going to watch him for the next few days but I believe he was very lucky. I know my guardian angels are with me and I believe Bo Bo's were there with him. I am trying not to think about what could have happened and just be grateful he is safe and happy. Whew!

Here is Mr. Bo Jackson looking at me like I am nuts. He has gotten very grey in the past few years. He is 6 years old and about 110 pounds. You can't see it here but he has a collar with the dancing Greatful Dead bears on it in rainbow colors. He loves his gays too!
Here he is in our new pad with his Christmas bone from Aunt Sarah who works at the P-Mart. (Check out my little bear cub table in the background. His name is Jasper.)
Mmmm, that's a good bone. He's even licking his lips.
Here is our new friend, Buddy! He is mighty comfortable on Bo's bed in my room.

I will try to photograph and post my secret lair very soon. Things have just been crazy lately. Maybe mother nature will provide the shit-ton of snow that is predicted and I can hole up and get it all done in the next few days. I sure hope so. I could use a snow day! Happy Hump Day, y'all.

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