Thursday, June 18, 2009

“I like someone who is a little crazy but coming from a good place. I think scars are sexy because it means you made a mistake that led to a mess."

Forgiving Love
Forgiving Me
Forgiving You
Forgiving We

"I don't know if I continue, even today, always liking myself. But what I learned to do many years ago was to forgive myself. It is very important for every human being to forgive herself or himself because if you live, you will make mistakes- it is inevitable. But once you do and you see the mistake, then you forgive yourself and say, 'well, if I'd known better I'd have done better,' that's all. So you say to people who you think you may have injured, 'I'm sorry,' and then you say to yourself, 'I'm sorry.' If we all hold on to the mistake, we can't see our own glory in the mirror because we have the mistake between our faces and the mirror; we can't see what we're capable of being. You can ask forgiveness of others, but in the end the real forgiveness is in one's own self. I think that young men and women are so caught by the way they see themselves. Now mind you. When a larger society sees them as unattractive, as threats, as too black or too white or too poor or too fat or too thin or too sexual or too asexual, that's rough. But you can overcome that. The real difficulty is to overcome how you think about yourself. If we don't have that we never grow, we never learn, and sure as hell we should never teach."-----Maya Angelou


  1. I have something to post about sort of related to this. Just trying to figure out how to do it without being offensive! Great quotes today.

  2. That is such wonderful and beautiful advice. I hope you are following it yourself. I love you sweetie!
