Friday, April 23, 2010

Yo Viv, babe!

I woke up today thinking of you
I felt you with me, so I know you were thinking of me too

Today you would have turned 31
I can’t help but reflect on our memories and fun

So many times we laughed until we cried
It always felt good to have my best girl by my side

You took me in when I had no place to go
You showed me what home was; and you all loved me so

It is hard to believe that 10 years has passed by
I don’t see our girls much but oh, how we try!

We are forever connected by you in this life
I wish you could see each fantastic mommy and wife

Your parents are still the gift that they always were
Your other buddies are good too; the ones with the fur

You have Pop Sickels now, with you
I can’t imagine the reunion last week between you two

Everyone is well and taking care if each other
Especially the glue that holds us, your awesome mother

I miss you like hell, each and every day
Even though we are together in our own special way

I will celebrate this weekend, in honor of your day
Knowing that someday again we will laugh and play

I might even go crazy and pick up a boy
In honor of our little streak of joy

Happy Birthday, my friend

I love you

1 comment:

  1. A fabulous tribute. Three cheers for going crazy! :0)
