Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Mah edjabacation

Aright then, my pity party is over from last week. I am ready to start digging again. First, an update on school, my first day (1/23) was basically going over the syllabus for each of my classes. We did have some reading homework and a 2 page essay (double spaced) which was nothing for me. We got out really early the first week so it wasn't really a clear indication of how things would go. This past Saturday was my first full day. I attend class on Saturday from 8-3pm. I got out of my first class about 20 minutes early this week and I already have a 30 minute break worked into my schedule so that made it 50 minutes. I ate a sandwich and read my homework while I waited. I really needed our last break at 1:45 and I was done by 3pm when class got out. I love both of my classes. They are very interactive and interesting to me. I obviously love to write so a few essays here and there is nothing to me. For my Communications class most of the grade is a journal that we keep daily on communication that we witness and showing up and participating in class. Now that I know my work load, I wish I had taken another class. It was my first semester back though so I think it was a wise choice to not over load.

Last week I finally got my snail mail letter informing me that they viewed my transcript from 13 years ago when I took 1 class while going to high school. I took psychology and I was really hoping they would let me use it, as it is required for my major. I took it in both high school and college already. Alas, they are going to give me credit for it. Now that they had signed off I could finally get my financial aid straightened out. I was freaking out because when I filed for my Financial Aid extension I had to give them my bank info incase financial aid did not come through. They were set to take half of my tuition this Friday so that was a major stress. I went up to school after work yesterday. My grant will cover all of my tuition!!!!! AND I will get a few hundred dollars back. PLUS I do have grant funds for the summer semester that will go to waste if not used. I love the idea of summer classes as they are accelerated like my comp classes and therefore will be over much sooner. I am going to take as many classes as I can while it is free. Next semester I will have to reapply and although I don't make much, it is probably too much for another grant. I am grateful for what I can get and I will do loans for the rest. It was such a relief to have this all worked out. It is a confusing process that I am just beginning to understand. I got my parking pass and had my photo taken for my student ID. I feel so official now!

My current job is nowhere near the field I want to be in. I really want to get into the criminal justice arena so I can couple my experience with schooling and get myself a kick-ass job when I graduate (or before). I am not super busy at work so I am able to do homework and study there. Again, I am grateful for what I have but it also feels so stagnant. I am in no hurry but I have been looking into positions in my field. Yesterday there was an ad for an admin assistant at a private investigating firm. I have tons of admin experience and I would love to be learning something new that pertains to my field of study. The income is about the same so it wouldn't hurt me to check it out. Like I said, I am in no hurry and extremely grateful for what I have but I am envisioning myself with the job, man and life that I want. For now I am dancing to the beat of my own drum and I like the way it sounds;-)


  1. YAY! Further proof that karma always works and good things happen to good people! :)

  2. What great news! I'm so glad things with school are going well. And the job sounds like it's at the very least worth looking into. Yay!
